
Your questions

Page history last edited by Malcolm 13 years, 3 months ago

Your Questions


Questions and answers gathered from Yahoo Group ClimateConcern and other sources.


26 climate myths are discussed in the New Scientist


Post your questions too if you wish but I will probably post them on ClimateConcern for a definative answer from a qualified team.


The basic science of Greenhouse Gas Effect on the climate can be studied on the US Government website at http://www.cmdl.noaa.gov/aggi/


A good understanding of the carbon cycle and climate modelling can be gained on the UK Met Office website.


Do look at David Bright's Summary of the Science prepared especially for us.     .



Group members

  • Malcolm







  1. BSC questions honesty
  2. Guide for the Perplexed in the New Scientist
  3. The Historical Record by David Bright
  4. Temperature Discrepancies Resolved between models and observations 22/10/08
  5. Are the scientists getting it right?
  6. Could microbes be part of the answer ? 05/10/11 
  7. At a Simple Level - Does it Matter?
  8. Rapid Changes in the Past
  9. 500 million years debate
  10. What can be done?
  11. Understanding the Global Carbon Budget


Comments (2)

Ian Kimber said

at 9:44 am on Oct 1, 2012

Just popped by to say I am watching this site and greatly appreciate the work you are doing. and add a question.

Although it's global warming generally on average its starting to look like that parts of Europe and in particular the British Isles will see much more cool stormy weather similar to the sort of stuff that we have had this (and for the last few) summers.

I have not yet spotted an area of the site dealing with this eventuality. Maybe it comes under unexpected events.

My personal opinions is that the human race will have to learn how a technological society based on efficiency can work well in a world that will experience climate change whether they have caused it or not and that the most important thing is to look at and enable all the social and environmental changes that will be needed to control and eventually reduce the earth's population in a humane way to achieve the very long term sustainable level of probably around one tenth of what it is at the moment. Failing this nature will do this for us in a much less friendly way.

Read the last chapter of Fred Hoyle's book "October 1st is too late" for one of the best predictions of the future of humanity based on current social attitudes. We are still hunter gatherers at heart and need to become social ecologists.

My own stories



These are on my own workspace which is in the public domain for reading only but as a PB works user you should be able to comment there if you wish.

Malcolm said

at 11:46 am on Oct 3, 2012

Dear Ian,
Thank you for your comments. I think it is the first comment logged in the 6 years of hard labour to build the site.
I have had to sift the vast volume of information to meet my predetermined objectives so the future climate in individual countries has largely been excluded together with most speculation on the future of society.
I enjoyed your Wiki and stories and it is good to have your thoughts represented on the web site.
I wonder whether I can use something you have written in the scenarios section?
You have also woken me up to the need to network the website.
Many thanks

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