Solar Calculator

SunCube™ cost / kWh Calculator


This Excel online calculator will allow you to build a SunCube™ rooftop solar PV electricity model based on your cities annual direct beam solar energy availability, your annual electricity usage, annual electricity cost and some other data. The calculator will then display the effective annual SunCube™ kWhs, cost / kWh and estimate your yearly savings.




To use the calculator you need to:


Add up your annual electricity bill for both total cost and total kWhs. Enter these in the appropriate fields.


Select the number of SunCubes™ needed to generate close to your annual electricity usage.


Enter any applicable installation $ / Wp rebate and any installation rebate limit.


Enter any applicable $ / MWh REC credit and the number of deeming years you can get upfront payment for.


Enter the interest rate % and period in years if you decide to finance the installation.


Enter a conversion factor to adjust the Australian SunCube™ price to your currency such as for the US use 0.75.


Select your location and if necessary enter the solar energy data from the NASA web site.


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