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Peak Oil Viewpoint

Page history last edited by Malcolm 9 years, 12 months ago

The Peak Oil Viewpoint


Tom Holloway is a strong advocate of the peak oil viewpoint and I hope he will shortly explain this more fully.


In the meantime I will gather some references he has supplied and look forward to the debate..


Climate - Peak Oil Divide provides an assessment of the common ground with the climate change movement from the point of view of The Post Carbon Institute, an advocate of Peak Oil and concern about all deminishing resources.


The Transition Towns Movement successfully blends the more easily understood Peak Oil problem with the problems of climate change in seeking to get the public thinking about the adaptation and other actions which are needed. Their newsletter is of great interest.


Competition for diminishing resources is exemplified in two recent posts

Desalination: Energy Down the Drain 03/03/09

Oil versus water - The prohibitive cost of Oil Shale


The peak is ever further away and more devastating 2014

With the increase a deep water drilling and fracking the whole oil and gas industry has changed dramatically in the last 5 years. Energy is taking more and more energy to release it from the earth but the supply appears limitless. Please track the damage with us


Spain approves $7 billion exploration in the Canary Islands 14/08/14


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